**The  <https://plus.google.com/s/%23SciPy2015> #SciPy2015 Conference 
(Scientific Computing with  <https://plus.google.com/s/%23Python> #Python) 
Tutorial Schedule is up! It is 1st come, 1st served and already 30% sold out. 
Register today!** http://www.scipy2015.scipy.org/ehome/115969/289057/? 
<http://www.scipy2015.scipy.org/ehome/115969/289057/?&;> &.This year you can 
choose from 16 different SciPy tutorials OR select the 2 day Software Carpentry 
course on scientific Python that assumes some programming experience but no 
Python knowledge. Please share! Tutorials include:


*Introduction to NumPy (Beginner)

*Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn (Intermediate)

*Cython: Blend of the Best of Python and C/++ (Intermediate)

*Image Analysis in Python with SciPy and Scikit-Image (Intermediate)

*Analyzing and Manipulating Data with Pandas (Beginner)

*Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn (Advanced)

*Building Python Data Applications with Blaze and Bokeh (Intermediate)

*Multibody Dynamics and Control with Python (Intermediate)

*Anatomy of Matplotlib (Beginner)

*Computational Statistics I (Intermediate)

*Efficient Python for High-Performance Parallel Computing (Intermediate)

*Geospatial Data with Open Source Tools in Python (Intermediate)

*Decorating Drones: Using Drones to Delve Deeper into Intermediate Python 

*Computational Statistics II (Intermediate)

*Modern Optimization Methods in Python (Advanced)

*Jupyter Advanced Topics Tutorial (Advanced)


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