Hi all,

If I want to contribute *.rst files to the matplotlib documentation, I can see 
a few styles already contributed, at least one of which makes extensive use of 
ipython (http://matplotlib.org/users/image_tutorial.html). However, even it 
makes use of `.. sourcecode:: python` and `.. plot::` blocks.

If I convert an ipython notebook to rst, it formats as: `.. code:: python` and 
instead of making plots it loads images:
 `.. image:: MyExample_files/MyExample_1_0.png`

So, is there an acceptable way to directly make matplotlib documentation 
directly from a notebook?  I didn’t see anything, but wanted to check, as that 
would by far be the easiest way to make a *.rst that had structured text, code, 
and plots.

Thanks,   Jody

Jody Klymak    

Matplotlib-users mailing list

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