HI all,

I wanted to help (for a change) but running the script on mac (with the multi 
cursor code commented out), I got the following error. If anyone can figure out 
why !

File "/Users/j35/anaconda/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/widgets.py", 
line 1046, in clear
AttributeError: 'FigureCanvasMac' object has no attribute ‘copy_from_bbox'

I’m using python 3.4 and matplotlib 1.4.3



> On Jan 20, 2016, at 1:26 PM, Michael Kaufman <kaufma...@ornl.gov> wrote:
> Hi Gurus:
> I'm having a serious problem with MultiCursor and autoscaling...
> If I do the code below with both MultiCursor instantiations commented out, 
> then all plots are xscaled to [50,55] and yscaled to each plot's appropriate 
> ylimits.
> If I uncomment the top MultiCursor instantiation, then both the xlimits and 
> ylimits are screwed up: xlim=[0,60] and ylim is all over the place, certainly 
> not autoscaled tight.
> If I uncomment the bottom MultiCursor instantiation, then the xlimit appears 
> to be scaled correctly, [50,55], but two of the four plots (lower left and 
> upper right) are not autoscaled in y.
> How to I instantiate MultiCursor to get the normal and expected autoscaling 
> behavior?
> Not that it should matter, but I'm using here Tk and Python3 with MPL 1.5dev1 
> (91ca2a3724ae91d28d97)
> Thanks for any help,
> M
> =============
> from matplotlib import pyplot as pl
> from matplotlib.widgets import MultiCursor
> from matplotlib import gridspec
> import numpy as np
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>  fig = pl.gcf()
>  gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2,2)
>  ax = None
>  for g in gs:
>    ax = pl.subplot(g, sharex=ax)
>  #multi = MultiCursor(fig.canvas, tuple(fig.axes),
>  #                    useblit=True, horizOn=True, color='k', lw=1)
>  x = np.arange(50,55,0.01)
>  y1 = np.sin(x)
>  y2 = np.cos(x) + 4
>  y3 = 0.2*np.cos(x) - 4
>  y4 = np.cos(2*x) - 1
>  for ax,y in zip(fig.axes, [y1,y2,y3,y4]):
>    ax.plot(x,y)
>  for ax in fig.axes:
>    ax.grid()
>  #multi = MultiCursor(fig.canvas, tuple(fig.axes),
>  #                    useblit=True, horizOn=True, color='k', lw=1)
>  pl.draw()
>  pl.show()
> <multicursor_limtest.py>------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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