Dear  PhD.
         Thank you for your answers and comments, I will try to study and
work to complete.

Thanks and best regards,
Arun Onlam

2018-07-21 1:11 GMT+07:00 Giulio Masetti <>:

> Dear Matpower developers,
> I’m new to your community, so please sorry me if my suggestions are
> trivial or inappropriate.
> I have noticed an asymmetry within the manual regarding dispatchable loads
> treated as negative generators (end of section 3.4) and distributed
> generators attached to PQ-buses treated as negative loads (not mentioned).
> In addition, in section 4.1 we read “The remaining generator buses are
> typically classified as PV-buses”, where “typically” does not help in
> clarifying the issue of deciding how to manage those distributed generators
> usually modeled as PQ-buses.
> If I am not wrong, at the moment there is no difference* in considering a
> generator with Pg and Qg attached to a PQ-bus, i.e., the bus appears inside
> the gen matrix even if its type is 1, and a load with -Pg and -Qg.
> As an example, we can consider the attached files, modified versions of
> case1354pegase.
> My proposal is then to insert within the manual, maybe adding a section
> just after section 3.4, a brief discussion about dispatchable loads and
> distributed generators.
> Thanks and best regards,
> Giulio Masetti.
> *difference: of course I mean from the Power Flow Equations point of view.
> Within the optimization things can change.
> Giulio Masetti,
> PhD student at Computer Science Department,
> University of Pisa,
> Research associate at SEDC Lab, ISTI-CNR Pisa,
> Web page:
> Phone: (+39) 050 315 2909

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