Currently, the only handling of voltage dependent load is through the 
experimental ZIP loads feature enabled via the and 
exp.sys_wide_zip_loads.qw options. See help mpoption where you’ll find at the 
bottom …

 Experimental Options:   <empty>     1 x 3 vector of active load fraction
                                            to be modeled as constant power,
                                            constant current and constant
                                            impedance, respectively, where
                                            <empty> means use [1 0 0]
    exp.sys_wide_zip_loads.qw   <empty>     same for reactive power, where
                                            <empty> means use same value as
                                            for 'pw'

When using these options, the load specified in the PD, QD columns of the bus 
matrix are the nominal loads at 1 p.u. voltage.


> On Oct 24, 2017, at 1:19 PM, Данил Игнатьев <> 
> wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> I've met one problem concerning load simulation. In order to make more 
> accurate and realistic power system simulation, i decided to introduce the so 
> called static load characteristics (P(V) and Q(V) ). But i've failed to find 
> it both in the manual and in the Matpower code itself. I am interested to 
> know, is it already included in the Matpower or i need to do it manually 
> myself?
> Yours faithfully,
> Данил Игнатьев

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