To whom it may concern,

I'm trying to solve an easy problem with case39 using the continuation
power flow. I set the base case as origin, which is PG, PD, QD are all
zero. I do not change any values for the target case, which means I just
use the initial values. In addition, I set the reactive power limit using
the option "cpf.enforce_q_lims." However, it didn't work and I got the
message "CPF TERMINATION: Base case power flow did not converge." If I
don't set the reactive power limit, the continuation power flow can solve
this problem. If I change the base case as more than 0.7 times initial
values, it worked. Could you explain why the continuation power flow cannot
converge when setting the reactive power limit with origin base case,

Thank you in advance.

Young-hwan Lee

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