Hi friends,
I have a question about the covariance matrix in 'State_est' function.
Below is the sigma which is used in Matpower.

sigma = [
   0.02 * abs(Sf)      + 0.0052 * fullscale * ones(nbr,1);
   0.02 * abs(St)      + 0.0052 * fullscale * ones(nbr,1);
   0.02 * abs(Sbus)    + 0.0052 * fullscale * ones(nb,1);
   0.2 * pi/180 * 3*ones(nb,1);
   0.02 * abs(Sf)      + 0.0052 * fullscale * ones(nbr,1);
   0.02 * abs(St)      + 0.0052 * fullscale * ones(nbr,1);
   0.02 * abs(Sbus)    + 0.0052 * fullscale * ones(nb,1);
   0.02 * abs(V0)      + 0.0052 * 1.1 * ones(nb,1);
] ./ 3;

We have a large difference in the value of active and reactive power
flow, namely in line 2-3, active
and reactive power flow is 73.69 and 3.51 respectively. So, Instead of using
'abs(Sf)' for both active and reactive entry in covariance matrix, can I use
abs(P_flow_flf) for active power and abs(Q_flow_flf) for reactive power noise.

So, sigma changes to:

Pflf=branch(:,PF); % power flow result

P_flow_flf = Pflf./baseMVA;
P_flow_tlf = Ptlf./baseMVA;
Q_flow_flf = Qflf./baseMVA;
Q_flow_tlf = Qtlf./baseMVA;
Sbus_lf = V .* conj(Ybus * V);
sigma_New = [
   0.02 * abs(P_flow_flf)  + 0.0052 * fullscale * ones(nbr,1);
   0.02 * abs(P_flow_tlf)     + 0.0052 * fullscale * ones(nbr,1);
   0.02 * abs(real(Sbus_lf))    + 0.0052 * fullscale * ones(nb,1);
   0.2 * pi/180 * 3*ones(nb,1);
   0.02 * abs(Q_flow_flf)  + 0.0052 * fullscale * ones(nbr,1);
   0.02 * abs(Q_flow_tlf)      + 0.0052 * fullscale * ones(nbr,1);
   0.02 * abs(imag(Sbus_lf))    + 0.0052 * fullscale * ones(nb,1);
   0.02 * abs(V0)      + 0.0052 * 1.1 * ones(nb,1);
] ./ 3;

Thank you,


So, is it correct to use
I m

  When I checked the active power flow in

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