2013-12-24 18:20 GMT-02:00 Phil Regier <preg...@ittc.ku.edu>:

> I've seen very limited multidimensional policies working:
> USERCFG[DEFAULT] MAXPS[CLASS:default]=<soft>,<hard>
> Not all combinations were supported in Maui, and not all policies were
> honored by backfill.  If you're continuing your research on this topic, all
> I can really recommend is:
> 1.  Avoid using the root user for testing; TORQUE/Maui don't much like
> using the root user these days.
> 2.  Try experimenting with lower-case and all-caps; I've seen a few cases
> where Maui would give different meanings to 'default' and 'DEFAULT' (the
> former being a specific automatically-generated credential and the latter
> being a wildcard, and the differences were sometimes subtle), though I see
> nothing wrong with your usage.
> 3.  Try testing under a QOS with the NOBF flag set to make absolutely sure
> you're not just avoiding enforcement of otherwise valid policies.
> 4.  Try both orders for a policy which doesn't work (the differences can
> be subtle, but mdiag, showq, checkjob, etc. can help to work out the
> details):
> CLASSCFG[default] MAXPROC[USER:root]=2
> USERCFG[root] MAXPROC[CLASS:default]=2
> I hope this helps; sorry I can't offer more.
> Phil
> Phil, thank you very much for your time. I have tested several
multi-dimensional policies and seems that no combination work together with
group. They do work for user/group though.

I was by the end using the user root to avoid sudoing in and out from user
accounts, but at the beginning I was using a regular user and the symptoms
are the same. As for the queue, I used default because I had created a
queue called default, despite the keyword DEFAULT. Still, I tried lower and
upper case. No difference regarding the multilevel.

What I had to do was actually give up on the group/queue multi level and
fall back on user/queue levels.

Thank you a lot,

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Denis" <denis...@gmail.com>
> To: "maui" <mauiusers@supercluster.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2013 7:53:02 AM
> Subject: [Mauiusers] multi-dimensional class/group limit
> It seems that there is not a way of getting a multi-dimensional class/group
> limits to work.
> Is that really true? Has someone been able to make it work?
> I have tested all these variations so far:
> usercfg[DEFAULT] MAXPROC=2 yes
> CLASSCFG[default] MAXPROC=2yes
> CLASSCFG[default] MAXPROC[USER:root]=2no
> CLASSCFG[default] MAXPROC[GROUP:root]=2no
> GROUPCFG[root] MAXPROC[CLASS:default]=2no
> Any ideas?
> Tks!
> --
> Denis.
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