> From: jim moore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Maybe instead of writing a file, it would be better to be able to
> >specify a command (similar to reloadCommand) which dumps the current
> >config as a page.  That way it isn't necessary to worry about where
> >can write to the filesystem, should getRealPath() be used, etc.
> I'm not sure. I'm thinking of situations where a developer who is
> unfamiliar
> with maverick inherits a project and has to get up to speed.
> While the ability to view dump the current config to a page would be
> useful
> for one developing a mav project (so yes, I am voting for this), I am
> sure it precludes or replaces dumping a file. (If the new developer
> find
> the command to do this, they are probably past the point where they
> looking for the file.)

Hmmm, seems to me that anyone who inherits a maverick project is going
to need some minimal amount of orientation anyways, and letting them
know about the currentConfig command would seem like an important step.
True, it's harder to guess than a maverick-processed.xml file, but at
least it's still available if you're using a WAR file.

> As far as where to dump the file, I would say just dump it to the same
> directory where you found maverick.xml. Just append -processed to the
> name (or something similar), so maverick.xml becomes maverick-
> processed.xml,
> and if they renamed maverick.xml to foo.xml, then foo-processed.xml
> be
> produced.
> If there is an IOException or some other problem, just log the
> to
> System.err or better yet, use Log4J with a warn level.

You must be developing on a system by adding and editing files in a
directory structure :-)  I suspect that most people instead build WAR
files and deploy them into their containers.  Since I never actually
look at the expanded version of the WARs (if they even exist), I
wouldn't think to look there for a maverick-processed.xml... and I
suspect most people using WAR files are in the same boat.

I'm really averse to the idea of writing files, especially back into the
WAR.  It just seems to me that it is very likely not going to work and
it's not really intuitive; nothing else I've ever seen *writes* files to
the WEB-INF dir.  Yeah, someone could miss the special command, but
that's why I slave over the documentation :-)  If people end up asking
about it a lot on this list, I'll add it to the FAQ.

Jeff Schnitzer

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