Cool!  If it makes sense, and you feel like putting together a small
example, we would be happy to release it as an opt package :-)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Finkelstein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 6:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [Mav-user] Field error messages and validation....
> I'm responding to my own email in order to give some feedback on how I
> solved this problem.
> What I did was use the Apache commons validator package as a starting
> point.  This allowed me to specify in an xml file the forms to
> which fields, and finally some number of validations to perform on
> field.  Oh, and I could also specify the error messages.
> Then, within Maverick, I called it from the beginning of perform().
> validator package has a feature that lets you "pass in" extra stuff.
> my
> case I pass in the errors Map -- then my validation methods were
> to
> add error messages directly to the errors Map.
> It ended up being pretty clean.  I think the validator package was
> originally developed with Struts in mind, but doesn't have any
> dependencies
> that I could see.  Validator isn't yet a released jakarta package, it
> really needs to be documented before that happens, but it is pretty
> Dan
> At 05:03 PM 3/29/02 -0800, Dan Finkelstein wrote:
> >I notice that there are a few methods in Maverick for attaching error
> >messages to fields, such as addError().  These are certainly very
> >_although_ I am now realizing why you have (wisely) chosen to not
> >them in the core distribution of maverick.  It must be because the
> >messages are really part of the view and to have them embedded in the
> >controller defeats the separation.
> >
> >So, I'm struggling with what is the correct way to approach this
> >problem...  One idea would be to embed the messages in the velocity
> >template itself...  But that seems awkward.
> >
> >And, really, the error messages are caught up with the concept of
> >validation.  So maybe the idea would be to abstract out the
> and
> >error messages together.  Perhaps there could be another xml file
> >side maverick.xml in which we specify the fields of each form, how
> >should be validated, and text messages.
> >
> >I have seen that a bit of thinking has gone into this, such as Apache
> >Common's validator package.  In particular, I was wondering how you
> >this problem.  Do you think that the MVC layer should handle
> >validation?  Or is it a separate function?  In any case, I'd be
> interested
> >in how you would approach this dilemma.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Dan
> >
> >
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