
Enclosed is a diff for the CommandFactory which is the only code I change.
I'll zip up the two auxiliary files and example app and send them as an
attachment. Once the patch below has been applied simply unzip the archive
on top of your Maverick directory to put the additional classes and example
app in the correct place in your source tree.

Note that the example is very simple (a single page) and though it
demonstrates that the code works, it does not demonstrate its usefulness.
The example could easily have been written as a single controller. I have
been trying to think of a compelling use-case for you that is also simple
enough for an example application, but not come up with anything so far.

Interestingly enough this whole concept of controller chaining came up in a
meeting here yesterday. Another development group here was describing a
homespun MVC framework they wrote after finding that their app was complex
enough that they needed controller chaining to simplify the app eliminate
duplicated code. 

Consider that a typical Maverick controller is responsible for the doing

1. translate parameters passed in the Request into a useable data structure
2. perform business logic given the request inputs 
3. make a view decision on the basis of the request & outcome of business
4. prepare a model appropriate for the view rendered

I may have several controllers that have different code for these first
three functions, but that the fourth is duplicated across several
controllers. Rather than loop back through the dispatcher, controller
chaining allows application flow to immediately pass to the model-creator
controller. On the other hand, several controllers may have the same
business logic, but different criteria for selecting the view. Using a
chaining approach allows us to easily mix and match this functionality for a
single command.

Perhaps more compelling is when the business logic in a controller is
complex and involves multiple steps some which may be shared by other
business processes. Handling this with additional layers of inheritance can
become very tricky--particularly when we want one process to borrow steps
from two other processes. Controller chaining provides an easy way to break
up a process and reuse particular pieces of it in other processes.

I'll keep thinking and perhaps I can come up with compelling example that is
simple enough for an example app.

Thanks for looking at this!

John-Mason Shackelford

Software Developer
Pearson Educational Measurement - eMeasurement Group

2510 North Dodge St.
Iowa City, IA 52245
ph. 319-354-9200x6214

cvs server: Diffing .
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5
--- 6 Jun 2002 12:23:53 -0000       1.5
+++ 13 Feb 2003 17:06:28 -0000
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 package org.infohazard.maverick.flow;
+import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
 import org.jdom.Element;
@@ -24,6 +25,9 @@
        /** */
        protected final static String TAG_CONTROLLER = "controller";
+    /** */
+    protected final static String TAG_PIPELINE = "pipeline";
        /** */
        protected ViewRegistry viewReg;
@@ -47,9 +51,16 @@
        public Command createCommand(Element commandNode) throws
-               Controller ctl =
-               Map viewsMap =
+        Map viewsMap = 
+ this.viewReg.createViewsMap(commandNode.getChildren(TAG_VIEW));
+        // if we have a pipeline child element, use an appropriate Command
+        Element pipeline = commandNode.getChild(TAG_PIPELINE);
+        if(pipeline != null) {                       
+            return new CommandPipeline(pipeline, viewsMap);
+        }
+        Controller ctl =

                if (viewsMap.size() > 1)
                        return new CommandMultipleViews(ctl, viewsMap);
@@ -60,5 +71,7 @@
                        return new CommandSingleView(ctl, theView);

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