Yes, since the indexes are disabled during the metadata update they will 
not update. You can force the rebuild by calling the .rebuild() method of 
each Index model instance.

for index in Index.objects.all():

Since this will call the rebuild in a synchronous manner each call will 
block and take a while to complete if the index is big.

You can call the index rebuild as a background task as follows:

from document_indexing.tasks import task_rebuild_index

for index in Index.objects.all():

On Thursday, August 10, 2017 at 10:07:40 AM UTC-4, Gerrit Van Dyk wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your reply.
> I have implemented the code as you said, and the errors did disappear.
> How do I force an index rebuild after all the changes have been done, as I 
> don't see the changes reflected in the indexes.
> Gerrit
> On Friday, July 14, 2017 at 7:24:37 PM UTC+2, Roberto Rosario wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The code looks good, the issue is with the indexing that is being 
>> triggered by the metadata updates. What version are you using?
>> The indexing code was rewritten in 2.3 to use less locking.
>> For the time being you can disable the indexes at the start of the code 
>> and re-enable them at the end and it should work.
>> from documents.models import Document
>> from document_indexing.models import Index
>> from metadata.models import MetadataType  # Added
>> class Command(BaseCommand):
>>     def handle(self, *args, **options):
>>          Index.objects.update(enabled=False)  # Disable all indexes
>>         docs = Document.objects.all()
>>         for doc in docs:
>>             if doc.metadata.filter(metadata_type__name='field1').exists():
>>                 md = MetadataType.objects.get(name="field2")
>>                 doc.metadata.create(metadata_type=md,value="123")
>>          Index.objects.update(enabled=True)  # Enable all indexes
>> On Friday, July 14, 2017 at 10:03:34 AM UTC-4, Gerrit Van Dyk wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I am trying to create a metadata field for documents that has some other 
>>> metadata field.
>>> When the code is run as a command, it runs most of the time, but then in 
>>> some cases it gets "maximum recursion level reached" with the following 
>>> logs:
>>> lock_manager.managers <29572> [DEBUG] "acquire_lock() trying to acquire 
>>> lock: document_indexing_task_do_rebuild_all_indexes"
>>> lock_manager.managers <29572> [DEBUG] "acquire_lock() IntegrityError: 
>>> duplicate key value violates unique constraint "lock_manager_lock_name_key"
>>> DETAIL:  Key (name)=(document_indexing_task_do_rebuild_all_indexes) 
>>> already exists.
>>> What is the correct way of doing bulk metadata updates without running 
>>> into the above problems?
>>> The code is as follows:
>>> from documents.models import Document
>>> from metadata.models import MetadataType
>>> class Command(BaseCommand):
>>>     def handle(self, *args, **options):
>>>         docs = Document.objects.all()
>>>         for doc in docs:
>>>             if 
>>> doc.metadata.filter(metadata_type__name='field1').exists():
>>>                 md = MetadataType.objects.get(name="field2")
>>>                 doc.metadata.create(metadata_type=md,value="123")


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