I'm missing the static resources when running the latest docker image.

On Friday, 11 May 2018 06:54:35 UTC+3, Roberto Rosario wrote:
> New beta version out. With this beta the hope is to get feedback about the 
> new way Mayan EDMS installs and the new way the Docker image is produce and 
> hosted.
> Previously, a blank "media" folder was committed to the repository. This 
> folder is used to store document files, image caches and document 
> signatures. User settings were managed using a local.py module in the 
> "settings" folder.
> This created a difficult situation where there had to be a writable 
> directory committed to the repository. This also meant having to do use 
> some tricks to allow the initial setup to complete even thought there was 
> no user setting file and no secret key available, something Django doesn't 
> allow. The way Mayan solved this was by reverting to a default setting file 
> when there was no user settings file. With this new beta, now even the user 
> setting will be stored in the "media" folder inside an additional 
> "settings" folder. This way all installation artifacts are now contained in 
> a separate directory that is not part of the code repository. This also 
> allows recreating this entire media folder at runtime, thus removing the 
> requirement of the Docker image to only used named volumes. 
> Another change for this beta is that the Docker repository is now merged 
> back into the main repository. Until now only stable release were available 
> as Docker images. This is because these releases were done manually. After 
> a stable Mayan Python package was released, the Docker repository was 
> updated and pushed to BitBucket which in turn triggered the automated 
> creation of a new image in the Docker registry. This meant that when errors 
> with the Docker image were found we sometimes had to go back to the Mayan 
> Python code repository, make changes, make another release, and return to 
> the continue work on the Docker repository. Now that the Docker image 
> creation is part of the main repository this happens in the same debugging 
> process. 
> Another change is that we are now using GitLab's Docker registry to 
> generate the Docker images. The images are also automatically generated 
> when the test suit completes without error. This means that for each 
> successful commit of new code a new daily docker images will be available. 
> This allows for continuous deliver of Docker images. The images are tagged 
> with the branch that was used to generate them and can be found here: 
> https://gitlab.com/mayan-edms/mayan-edms/container_registry When you 
> checkout image "registry.gitlab.com/mayan-edms/mayan-edms:feature-docker" 
> you will be pulling the latest image built from code from the 
> "feature/docker" branch. The image "
> registry.gitlab.com/mayan-edms/mayan-edms:versions-next" will be from 
> code from the "versions/next" branch, the branch with the latest 
> development code that will become the next stable release. When a stable 
> release happens the images will be tagged with the version number and a 
> special tagged named "latest" will point to the latest release. This setup 
> allows the production of nightly as well as stable images using the same 
> setup. To try out the latest development image use:
> docker pull registry.gitlab.com/mayan-edms/mayan-edms:versions-next
> docker run -d --name mayan-edms-nightly --restart=always -p 8000:8000 -v 
> /docker-volumes/mayan-nightly:/var/lib/mayan 
> registry.gitlab.com/mayan-edms/mayan-edms:versions-next 
> Since the gunicorn app server is now used instead of NGINX the default 
> port has changed to 8000. This change is internal to the Docker container. 
> Docker port mapping can still be used to present port 8000 of the container 
> as port 80 of the machine by using -p 80:8000.  
> The documentation for the Docker image will be merged as a chapter of the 
> main documentation. 


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