Kang Karyo berdoa: "Tuhan ubahlah hidup saya". 
Tuhan menjawab: "Dari dulu Aku mau kamu berubah dan dah siapin segalanya,
cuman situ mau mengubah diri kagak?".... wkwkwk...

Sony H Waluyo

* You are what you think about. Beware of your mind. 

[Kesadaran ada di rasa, sulit utk memahaminya dg pikiran. Kita bisa bebas
menyimpulkan apa yg kita lihat dan rasakan. Namun tetaplah sulit
mendefinisikan rasa garam dengan kata2, tapi dg rasa di lidah semua orang
sepakat itulah rasa garam, asin itu pasti asin, pahit itu pasti pahit.
Demikian juga saat dirasa di hati, kasih itu pasti kasih. 
Olah rasa akan dg jelas mendefinikan kesadaran. Olah rasa...olah
kesadaran...intuisi yg akan bermain...menyalurkan cahaya... cahaya adalah
ilmu pengetahuan dan pengetahuan mjd landasan utk bertindak bijaksana dlm
mengolah alam dan kehidupan].



From: Sony Waluyo [mailto:ason...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 12:20 PM
To: canis...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Salusa & The Galactic Federation August 11, 2010 at 3:11am


12d73bG0&n_m=asonyhw%40gmail.com> Rebecca GarnerAugust 11, 2010 at 3:11am

Subject: Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the
Galactic Federation ~ Aug 10, 2010

3 Batz, 12 Pop, 7 Ik 

Selamat Jarin! We come with more to discuss with you! Your world is being
transformed by a number of large solar flares that are adding a new boundary
layer to the upper atmosphere. These new sections are being used to return
the exosphere to a degree of normalcy, and the lower atmosphere, too, is
seeing an increase in ozone. In sum, an extensive exchange is taking place
between the gaseous mixtures of the boundary layers of the upper and lower
atmospheres. In addition, repairs are being made in many areas where the
blending of oxygenated air and nitrogen-filled air takes place. Similar
changes are happening in Mother Earth's mantle. Here, temperatures are
rising in places where tectonic plates meet, and this jump in temperature
helps to reduce the incidents of volcanic activity. As more of these plates
prepare to lock, the probability of larger earthquakes can increase. We work
with the planetary Elohim to ready Earth's surface for a grand
transformation that is very close.

Because the time for these changes approaches rapidly, we have requested
that our Earth allies accelerate the remaining steps preceding the
manifestation of their overall agenda. On one hand, your present societies
are being torn apart by the inadequacies of its current structures and being
undermined by urgent social needs exacerbated by shrinking economies; on the
other, a huge, hidden abundance awaits you, held back by the non-resolution
of the conflict between the dark cabal and the Earth allies. Governments
around your globe are in peril and their citizens are in want and fear. The
future seems bleak when in fact the reverse is true! We have watched as this
long, weary struggle winds down, and have observed the astonishing obstinacy
of the dark. In the past, these tactics won it many victories, but not this
time! This time its nemesis is upon it! What amazes us is how difficult it
has been to dislodge it from power. Happily, our Earth allies have proved
resilient enough to surmount this refusal to go. The final elements to
remove the dark legally are now being put together in a series of special

These negotiations are producing the formal documents to legally and swiftly
transition to new governance. An immense amount of detail is being provided
by many courts in America and by several international courts. Switching
this planet over to Common Law is essential for bridging the gulf from your
present setup to a prototypical galactic society. What this amounts to is
guaranteed personal sovereignty for each individual and protection against
any interference of the unalienable rights underpinning this axiom. Liberty
and freedom are important conditions for what lies ahead. Prosperity is
another aspect of what the new governance is all about. Our Earth allies
have secured the gold that is needed to underwrite the disbursement of
global prosperity; moreover, these depositories are in places where Mother
Earth needs them in order to ensure her own well-being. This quiet
revolution is about not only changing the very nature of governance but
providing a supportive environment for your expanding consciousness. 

First contact is ultimately about consciousness, which means full
consciousness. Our task is to progress you from your present state to where
you need to be, and so we have set up the means to do this. The Agarthans of
Inner Earth are also ready to assist us in this wondrous transformation.
What we have yet to deal with is the dark matrix that runs your world. This
entity systematically and quite subtly denies our very existence and
covertly works to develop weapons to thwart any landings. This concerted
policy is responsible for the cabalists grip on power after the sudden
defection of the Anunnaki, and so, ousting them from power is essential. We
realize that the dark-controlled media has spent decades drumming the
irrational concept of 'alien invaders' into you. We are benevolent, and
understandably do not wish you to perceive us otherwise. We ask our Earth
allies to complete their goals and remove the dark from its dominion over
you. Then we can easily proceed with the mass landings. 

At present, we are increasing our level of assistance to our Earth allies by
doing many things not previously allowed. We need to emphasize that we are
breaking normal evaluation protocol in order to carry out Heaven's decrees.
She authorized our use of necessary new measures while remaining within the
bounds of her previous decrees in order to progress you to first contact.
Our liaison personnel are formally integrated within groups both on and
inside Earth who intend to liberate your society from the restrictions
imposed by the dark's agents on Mother Earth. This period of darkness has
outrun its divinely prescribed time span, and all dispensations made in the
past are hereby revoked. The dark ones, however, do not believe this and
remain defiant. This is why a complex noose is now tightening around their
neck. A trap door is taking shape beneath them and will be sprung when so
commanded by Heaven. 

This noose is made up of the economic and monetary systems that are
imploding around them. The various key individuals and corporations that
they own are rapidly being reduced to nothing. This process has been going
on now for over a year and is only recently bearing fruit. Many formerly
extremely wealthy individuals are discovering that their secret funds are
quickly disappearing and such asset loss truly frightens those who had not
previously known fear. As their secret debts begin to influence their public
assets, many see a possible return to the dark days of September 2008. We
offer a way out: resign. And allow our Earth allies to implement new
governance and global prosperity. Another big concern for the dark cabalists
is the many court cases that are sure to follow their mass resignations. 

This upcoming due process of law is something our Earth allies have had in
the works for the past five years. These court cases establish the legality
of the new regimes and the flagrant illegality of the regimes presently in
power. Furthermore, the dark ones are anxious about the extent to which
their remaining assets are to be stripped from them and their families.
However, the new governance is about providing prosperity for all and
banishing the present scarcity. In the same vein, any punishment metered out
is not to last long, and our liaison officers continue to push this point at
all meetings and emphasize that capital punishment is not on the table. What
has been planned is in the ultimate best interests of all involved: to get
everyone into their Light chambers as soon as possible and back to full
consciousness! The longer this takes, the more likely it is that it may lead
to a different heavenly solution. 

The Galactic Federation is focused on carrying out a mass landing within the
timetable given to us by Heaven. This timetable is irrevocable and has been
mandated by divine decree. We are therefore bound to a first contact with
you under the most amicable conditions possible. We have reiterated to all
governments possessing nuclear weaponry that disarmament is fundamental. The
nuclear option does not exist where first contact is concerned, and this
equally holds true for any attempted nuclear exchange. A special decree
allowing for unprecedented changes to your body, mind, and Spirit was made
to prepare you for your return to full consciousness. This was only
permitted because it is your true destiny! 

Today, we discussed developments on and around your world. Events are coming
to a head, and this ensures that first contact is close. Your preparation
for full consciousness goes forward as planned, and the moment for great
events is near. Let us rejoice and happily anticipate their imminent
arrival! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply
and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat
Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) 

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja!
Sending LOVE to all of you!

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