
New in this prerelease of the 12.2 plugins:

* Added Clipboard.GetPDF and Clipboard.SetPDF functions.
* Added SchemaCacheFlushed counter for Audit.Statistics function to show how 
often we flushed the table cache.
* Added WordFile.Tags function.
* Changed DynaPDF.ReplacePattern to fallback to Courier (fixed pitch), Times 
(serif) or Helvetica as font.
* Changed PDFKit.Combine to ignore empty value in parameters.
* Changed Text.AppendTextFile, Text.WriteToContainer and Text.WriteTextFile to 
allow writing BOM character.
* Extended the menu for script list in script workspace and added sort commands.
* Fixed a problem with Dialog.SetTextAlignment and FileMaker 18 causing an out 
of bounds exception.
* Fixed Files.List to better check directory status on macOS using alternative 
code path.
* Fixed Files.Mount to return correct path when mounting to a folder.
* Improved Audit to only query metadata for required tables instead of all as 
that should be faster.
* Improved performance for scrolling in Script Workspace when debugger tooltips 
are enabled.
* Improved trace logging for macOS to replace newsline for console output to 
have LF instead of CR for line endings.
* Marked FM.ExecuteSQL as deprecated in favor of newer FM.ExecuteFileSQL 
* Marked FM.ExecuteSQLOnIdle as deprecated in favor of newer 
FM.ExecuteFileSQLOnIdle function.
* Optimized List.CSVSplit, QuickList.CSVSplit and Matrix.CSVSplit to better 
handle lonely quotes in quoted strings.
* Updated DynaPDF to version
* Updated SQLite to version 3.38.2.
* Updated to Xcode 13.3.

Download at our website, in Dropbox folder or ask for being added to the 
dropbox shared folder.


Best regards,

Read our blog about news on our plugins:


mbsfmplugin@monkeybreadsoftware.info mailing list

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