I’m trying to write a namespaced API for parts of  ChartDirector to make the 
beast (and autocomplete) more manageable using nested modules with methods 
(some extends) constant and enumns…  It too big a package to remember the 
details unless you use it everyday and that would help me be more productive in 

Ideally Christan would do that for the entire product… but given how much work 
just coming up with a good design, never mind implementing it would be . I 
don’t see that as a realistic expectation so, I am trying to do it for the 
parts I expect to use most often...

I think I am seeing a bug or more accurately a design bug that IMO should be 

I am getting a compile errors where i don’t think there should be any due to 
that. Here is an example

Protected Function Gradient(colors() as Int32, angle as double = 90, scale as 
double = 1.0, startX as Int32 = 0, startY as Int32 = 0) As Int32
 Return CDBaseChartMBS.gradientColor(Colors, angle,Scale,StartX, StartY) ‘ <— 
Error here
End Function

in the above, all of it's variants AND several related  functions so far (I am 
sure I have not run into them all yet). 
The error is:
“There is more than one item with this name and it’s not clear to which it 

I get that also on:

Obviously  I am calling these methods as if they were Shared methods on 

The docs don’t say if a method is an instance method or shared method on the 
class…  and the error does not say it is in these cases

That said If I access it as an Instance method I don’t get the error … But 
unfortunately that does not fit my architecture.

As far as I can see there is no reason such function need to be on an instance. 
Look at the online CD Docs for ColdFusion such function which don’t need to be 
on an instance Seem to have their own name space. (though still too many in one 
- ideally they should be  namespaced by function/type)

I’m getting specific messages that the following are instances when I don’t 
think they should be:

Christian would it be possible for you to start moving methods that don’t need 
to be instance methods on the CD classes to Shared Methods?  It would make us  
more able to deal with creating a more manageable API for ourselves.

- Karen
Mbsplugins_monkeybreadsoftware.info mailing list

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