> On Nov 19, 2017, at 5:24 PM, Christian Schmitz 
> <supp...@monkeybreadsoftware.de> wrote:
> Well, I think you could move to CURLSFileInfoMBS class for FTP listing 
> instead.
> It does parsing better than FTPParse class.

Thank you.  I tried your example.  It works great with FTP.  Ironically, that 
is where I don’t need it for the purposes of this project.  Again, my aim is 
just to get the remote size in advance,  so I can tell SFTP to skip, and not 
try to append, any completed file.

For SFTP, curl returns Error 18 (closed with file length remaining).  If I take 
out the wildcard stuff, I get error 0 but blank FileInfo—same with FTP.

Now, I have no problem getting the string from OutputData.  So after splitting 
it into an array at the endOfLines (called “Stuff” here, with f as the local 
file), I can do this:
Dim x, u as integer
Dim canUpload as Boolean

For x=0 to u

        If instr(Stuff(x),f.name)>0 then 
                //exists on server
                dim s as string=str(f.length)
                if instr(Stuff(x),s)=0 then
                //needs appending
                //it finished
                end if
                //haven’t started it yet
        end if


If canUpload=true then
        //skip and go to next file in batch
End if

Now, this actually works in my tests, but I also feel that it would get me a 
special exhibit at the World Museum of Kludges, and I’m not that desperate to 
be famous. :-)  The other approach is to keep my own log in ApplicationData, 
and work from that when trying to resume.
"Drama is life with the dull bits cut out."
-Alfred Hitchcock

Jerry Fritschle

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