Sure... the latest 205pr6 released today

On Tue, 27 Oct 2020 14:44:05 -0500, Tim Jones wrote:
> Hi Sergio,
> Have you updated your MBS Plugins?
> Tim
> On 10/27/20 2:36 PM, Sergio Tamborini wrote:
>> Hi there. I work with an old code like this
>> But from xojo 2020 it's deprecated. On the website Christian 
>> suggests to use WebViewMBS class. But... I don't understand how it 
>> works... I give a look into "VebViewer save as rtf" example to try 
>> to understand how it works but... in the example code
>> dim w as WebViewMBS = HTMLViewer1.WebViewMBS
>> dim f as WebFrameMBS = w.mainFrame
>> dim v as WebFrameViewMBS = f.frameView
>> dim d as WebDocumentViewMBS = v.documentView
>> I have the error "Can't find type with that name"...
>> Can anyone give some clarifications?
>> Many thanks!
>> ------
>> Sergio Tamborini
>> Brescia
>> "C'è un equivoco di fondo. Si dice che il politico che ha avuto 
>> frequentazioni mafiose, se non viene giudicato colpevole dalla 
>> magistratura, è un uomo onesto. No! La magistratura può fare solo 
>> accertamenti di carattere giudiziale. Le istituzioni hanno il dovere 
>> di estromettere gli uomini politici vicini alla mafia, per essere 
>> oneste e apparire tali"
>> "There is a basic misunderstanding. It is said that political mafia 
>> has had acquaintances, if not found guilty by the courts, is an 
>> honest man. No. The judiciary can only do the findings of a judicial 
>> nature. Institutions have a duty to oust politicians close to the 
>> mafia, to be honest, these look"
>> Paolo Borsellino
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Sergio Tamborini

"C'è un equivoco di fondo. Si dice che il politico che ha avuto frequentazioni 
mafiose, se non viene giudicato colpevole dalla magistratura, è un uomo onesto. 
No! La magistratura può fare solo accertamenti di carattere giudiziale. Le 
istituzioni hanno il dovere di estromettere gli uomini politici vicini alla 
mafia, per essere oneste e apparire tali"

"There is a basic misunderstanding. It is said that political mafia has had 
acquaintances, if not found guilty by the courts, is an honest man. No. The 
judiciary can only do the findings of a judicial nature. Institutions have a 
duty to oust politicians close to the mafia, to be honest, these look "

Paolo Borsellino

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