
* Fixed DrawRectangle function for graphics in DynaPDFMBS class to work on 
* Added more events to WebView2ControlMBS control: GotFocus, 
FrameNavigationStarting, FrameNavigationCompleted, 
ContainsFullScreenElementChanged, CapturePreviewCompleted, ZoomFactorChanged, 
* Added CapturePreview method to WebView2ControlMBS to render picture.
* Deprecated IMServiceMBS class.
* Optimized a few more flags: iTunesLibraryMBS, GrowlMBS, AuthorizationMBS, 
SUUpdaterMBS, SpinningProgressIndicatorMBS, NSHelpManagerMBS and 
MAAttachedWindowMBS classes are now desktop only.
* Changed TimerMBS class on Linux to load glib on demand.
* Changed GraphicsMagick to not depend on X11 on Linux.
* Changed PostgreSQL plugin part (InternalPostgreSQLLibraryMBS) to not depends 
on LDAP libraries, but load them dynamically if needed.
* Fixed memory leaks in IE HTMLViewer classes, e.g. IEDocumentMBS class.
* Added support for LineDash, LineJoin and LineCap to DynaPDFMBS class for 
graphics support.
* Changed Disconnect in SQLDatabaseMBS and SQLConnectionMBS to stop our check 
alive background task.


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