Good morning Christian!

I upgraded to the latest pr release just now and went to test some things in a 
project and I am getting an error when compiling a method that uses the 
GammaMBS class.

The line of code hasn’t changed in some time:

myGamma = New GammaMBS( Nil, screenIndex)

where screenIndex is an integer passed to the method. The error I’m getting is:

cGamma.Constructor, line 2
There is more than one method with this name but this does not match any of the 
available signatures.
myGamma = New GammaMBS( Nil, screenIndex)

I can see that it’s now got a new constructor where you pass a DesktopWindow 
instead of just a Window, but it also looks like the original Constructor 
taking just Window and DisplayIndex is still there and should work the same way?


James Sentman                    

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