
I just realised I had added somer extra a code to the example trying to find 
the same value as the openssl command

dim pk as PKeyMBS = PKeyMBS.Open(sk)

d.Value("Private Key Hash")=MD5StringMBS(pk.PrivateKey)
d.Value("Certificate Hash")=MD5StringMBS(p.PublicKey)

So neither is the right value.



> On 4 Apr 2022, at 18:33, Christian Schmitz <supp...@monkeybreadsoftware.de> 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When I open the .crt file in X509 Certificate MBS example it opens properly 
>> and correctly shows the common name,
> How do you get the hashes from our plugin?
> Maybe you like to send me your test project (off list) with a sample key  and 
> certificate.
> Best regards,
> Christian
> -- 
> Read our blog about news on our plugins:
> http://www.mbsplugins.de/

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