
New in this prerelease of version 22.4 of the MBS Xojo Plugin:

* Added more constants to PhidgetServerMBS class.
* Fixed a problem with SplitCommaSeparatedValuesMBS not parsing properly quoted 
multi line value.
* Added iOS support for DirectorySizeMBS class.
* Added NewCursorFromCommandReply function to MongoClientMBS class.
* Added ErrorDocument method to MongoCursorMBS class.
* Added popoverShouldDetach and popoverDidDetach events to NSPopoverMBS class.
* Added Prepare event to ScintillaControlMBS control.
* Added HasBorder property to ScintillaControlMBS control.
* Updated DynaPDF to version
* Fixed a problem where the Xojo IDE would crash when using ScintillaControlMBS.
* Fixed a problem where ScintillaControlMBS would not get the focus and 
Control-V would paste to the wrong control.
* Updated SQLite to version 3.39.2.
* Implemented DNSServiceMetaQueryMBS for iOS.
* Fixed a problem where SelectedText in ScintillaControlMBS would return a NULL 
byte on the end.
* Removed unneeded boolean return value for decidePolicyForNavigationAction 
event in WKWebViewIOSControlMBS class.
* Added InsertMany functions to MongoCollectionMBS class.
* Added Rename and FindIndexes functions to MongoCollectionMBS class.

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