Hi Andrey, Leonard,

On Fri, 2005-11-18 at 14:26 +0100, Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
> Hi Andrey,
> On Fri, 2005-11-18 at 11:03 +0700, Andrey V. Malyshev wrote:
> > I can not test it under the real xterm console (with X), I have not one. I
> > think it is nessessary before commiting, can everyone do it?
> Maybe somebody will beat me to it. Otherwise I'll do. Even though your
> explanation sounds senisible I'd like to hear some other peoples opinion
> though.

I agree with Andrey here, that we should use "ti" and "te" sequences
acquired from termcap database instead of hardcoded ones. The problem is
that Andrey uses direct putp() calls. The putp() belongs to ncurses and
it doesn't seem to work when slang support is enabled.

I propose this way to write termcap sequences to the terminal what
should work even with slang:

  SLtt_write_string (ti_cap);
  putp (ti_cap);

and similarly for the te_cap. The question is whether not to call
SLtt_initialize () and friends in case of slang instead as slang takes
care of setting proper ti/te sequences itself.

Jindrich Novy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://people.redhat.com/jnovy/
(o_                                                           _o)
//\      The worst evil in the world is refusal to think.     //\
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