Hi mc-devel,

the main panel in the default "Full file list" is unaligned with mini
status bar, to reproduce:

1) go to Left/Listing mode...
2) enable Full file list (likely enabled by default)
3) enable user Mini status

you see:
Size and MTime field is unaligned with Size/Perm field in mini status
bar what is just ugly.

2005-11-23  Jindrich Novy  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * view.c (struct formats): Align mini status with the main

Jindrich Novy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://people.redhat.com/jnovy/
(o_                                                           _o)
//\      The worst evil in the world is refusal to think.     //\
V_/_                                                         _\_V

--- mc-4.6.1a/src/screen.c.ministatus	2005-11-17 22:01:32.000000000 +0100
+++ mc-4.6.1a/src/screen.c	2005-11-17 22:02:31.000000000 +0100
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ static struct {
 { "mtime", 12, 0, J_RIGHT,	N_("MTime"),	1, string_file_mtime,	   (sortfn *) sort_time },
 { "atime", 12, 0, J_RIGHT,	N_("ATime"),	1, string_file_atime,	   (sortfn *) sort_atime },
 { "ctime", 12, 0, J_RIGHT,	N_("CTime"),	1, string_file_ctime,	   (sortfn *) sort_ctime },
-{ "perm",  10, 0, J_LEFT,	N_("Permission"),1,string_file_permission, NULL },
+{ "perm",  12, 0, J_CENTER,	N_("Permission"),1,string_file_permission, NULL },
 { "mode",  6,  0, J_RIGHT,	N_("Perm"),	1, string_file_perm_octal, NULL },
 { "nlink", 2,  0, J_RIGHT,	N_("Nl"),	1, string_file_nlinks,	   (sortfn *) sort_links },
 { "inode", 5,  0, J_RIGHT,	N_("Inode"),	1, string_inode,	   (sortfn *) sort_inode },
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