On 24 March 2013 22:20, Tino Reichardt <list...@mcmilk.de> wrote:

> This is a dns resolution error... mc starts, when all timeouts are
> passed ;)
> There are 3 ways for fixing that:
> 1) you can delete your default gateway (the dns fails without timeout)
> 2) check /etc/resolv.conf + default route (the dns fails without timeout)
> 3) setup a correct /etc/hosts file with the name of the machine (the
>    libc resolver resolves the name without any network related things)

Option 3) solved the problem.

> Maybe some developer of mc can fix the thing, by avoiding the
> unnecessary dns lookup ;)

Or if DNS lookup is really necessary having a short timeout, let's
say, 5 seconds?
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