On Sat, 31 Aug 2013 17:32:28 +0200 Tomasz Wasilczyk wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently needed indentation styles set per-file (not globally). Such
> feature is supported by vim with modeline mod enabled, but my favorite
> editor is mcedit. So, I've just wrote modeline support for mcedit.
> Here is the patch against current git: http://pastebin.com/99anc269
> This is rather a proof-of-concept, than final pull request. If you
> find it useful to add its support to official mcedit, I could polish
> this commit (I guess, mc_findinfile should be moved somewhere and
> named differently).

Yes, it is useful. Please create a ticket on www.midnight-commander.org.

> By the way: how to enable BlockShiftLeft/BlockShiftRight? I tried
> editing mc.keymap, but none of locations where i put it didn't worked.

System-wide in /etc/mc/keymap, section [editor]. For reference:
BlockShiftLeft = alt-shift-left
BlockShiftRight = alt-shift-right

For user only, the same is in ~/.config/mc/mc.keymap.

Both cases are work for me.

Be sure that shortcuts you choose are supported in your terminal.

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