SAVE THE DATE:  JUNE 10-12, 2008


DIGITAL DIRECTIONS: Fundamentals of Creating and Managing Digital

(The NEW School for Scanning)


Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront

Jacksonville, FL


A conference presented by

The Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC)

Co-Sponsored by SOLINET


This revitalized version of  the three-day School for Scanning conference
presents the essentials of digitization and is geared toward participants
with a beginning or intermediate level of digital knowledge. 

>From file formats to funding, from metadata to rights management, learn how
to create and manage sustainable digital collections.


Visit the Vendor Showcase to meet the leading providers of digital products
and services. 


Watch NEDCC's Web site for complete conference details:


To receive a conference brochure or email announcement when available, or if
you are a vendor interested in exhibiting at the conference, please contact:
Julie Martin Carlson, jcarlson at


NEDCC is grateful for support from the National Endowment for the Humanities
for its field services.


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