These are times when collaboration is important. MCN currently hosts
three place-related SIGs--one in Taiwan, and two in California.

Given the cultural density of the northeast, and the amount of really
amazing work being done here, I would like to propose a lunch meeting
of all those interested in such a SIG at MCN, at the same time as the
other location-oriented SIGs, Thursday, at 12:15-1:30. If you will be
at MCN 2009 and are interested in joining us, do chime in here or
email me privately. Most important, keep an eye on the message boards
at the conference as we figure out a place to meet.

It will be a pleasure not to go a whole year between seeing colleagues
in New England and New York. Let's share notes and talk about it a
week from today at MCN.

I should also note that it is still possible to register for the
conference if you are not already signed up to attend -

See ya'll in Portland,
Ari Davidow

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