Announcing scholarships to attend the 37th annual Museum Computer 
Network conference in Portland, Oregon!

The Museum Computer Network is delighted to offer museum professionals 
the opportunity to apply for scholarships that will enable them to 
attend the MCN annual conference in November.

The annual meeting provides an occasion where you can meet and learn 
from experts on the technology topics challenging today?s museums. It?s 
also a great time for networking and establishing new relationships to 
strengthen your resources for the coming year.


What? Eight scholarships are available to attend MCN?s 2009 annual 
conference. Each stipend includes the full conference registration fee, 
free hotel stay, and a US $50.00 stipend to cover additional expenses.

Who? This scholarship is available to museum professionals who meet one 
of the following criteria:
? Employed at an institution with no more than 20 permanent staff
? First-time MCN conference attendee.
? New to the profession with less than 2 years experience in the field.

Museum Information, Museum Efficiency: Doing More with Less
37th Annual MCN Conference
November 11-14, 2009
Portland, Oregon

Why? The annual MCN conference offers tremendous personal and 
professional benefits and rewards. Not only do attendees gain 
professional knowledge from sessions, they also have the opportunity to 
network with professionals from around the world.

How? Complete the MCN 2009 Scholarship Application and Acceptance 
Agreement and submit according to instructions available online at

Submission Deadline: August 15, 2009

Questions? Please contact Jana Hill, 2009 Scholarship Committee chair, 
jana [dot] hill [at] cartermuseum [dot] org.

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