
How are you? I hope all is well!. I have a question about some establishing
the cost range for full scale museum redesigns.  And am looking for example
prices. Here at the National Gallery we have done some extensive market
research but are also interested in some more examples of large scale museum
redesign prices or recent past or near future.

I have some examples, and I am pitching costs for a full gut-busting re-do
including a CMS installation, content migration, search tool, visit planning
tool, calendar tool, and kiosk /digital signage integration. Would you be
willing to share some similar costs or ROM's?  I will say "off the record"
if requested and not mention the museum but I am trying to establish as much
as possible what the going rate is, in terms of investing in a museum Web
site. This need not be the cost paid to a vendor perhaps it is Museum funds
used on tools and labor was done in house. I understand this is a tricky
question,  however any more examples I can get would be great.

And I will be happy to share all costs received in a chart for us all to

Thanks so much,

Joanna Champagne
Chief of Web and New Media Initiatives
National Gallery of Art

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