
At first glance, the article contains quite a few mistakes regarding legal 
Example:  "When we absolve curators of responsibility for defending our fair 
use rights..."   Well, we do NOT have a fair use right to photograph, without 
the artist's permission, works protected by copyright -- wherever they are 
displayed -- except for certain very limited purposes, and property, privacy, 
and contract law may indeed preempt that.  Only a court of law can determine 
whether the purpose of the photography was fair use or not. (And it could be 
argued that a curator's repsonsibility is to keep his or her museum away from 
courts of law.)

Yes, that's the problem with the fair use concept as currently expressed in the 
US copyright code, but that's another article altogether -- one that should be 
written by someone who does their legal research a lot better.

While I sympathize with the fair use spirit of the article, one has to get 
one's facts right in order to make a decent argument for ...anything.

I'm off to London for a museums copyright conference at the National Gallery: 
Connecting Culture and Commerce: Getting the Right Balance, organized by Simon Tanner and 
Naomi Korn and sponsored by the Museums Copyright Group.  I hope to meet MCN IP 
colleages there -- yes? -- and I promise to report back to the MCN 

Amalyah Keshet
Head of Image Resources & Copyright Management
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem  akeshet at

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard Urban" <>
To: "Museum Computer Network Listserv" <mcn-l at>
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 2:58 AM
Subject: [MCN-L] IP SIG: LACMA's Magritte exhibit: This is not fair use

> LACMA's Magritte exhibit: This is not fair use
> Anyone from LACMA have a comment? 
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