We have 2 places remaining on the Digital Futures Academy run by Simon Tanner 
and Tom Clareson.

The full programme and rates are available here:

Guest speakers include:
Prof. Tim Hitchcock, University of Hertfordshire
William Kilbride, Digital Preservation Coalition
Alistair Dunning, The European Library

We will visit behind the scenes at The National Gallery and The British Library.

If you wish to come then please email me.

We have 23 delegates so far this year from Europe, Africa and the Middle East, 
representing libraries, museums, archives, plus corporate and national 
repositories. Delegates range from senior management, curatorial and content 
specialists to technical implementation staff.

All my best,

Digital Futures Academy
The British Library, London
March 19-23, 2012

King's College London is pleased to announce the Digital Futures Academy 5-day 
training event. We are thrilled that this year it will be hosted at The British 

Digital Futures focuses on the creation, delivery and preservation of digital 
resources from cultural and memory institutions. Lasting five days, Digital 
Futures is aimed at managers and other practitioners from the library, museum, 
heritage and cultural sectors looking to understand the strategic and 
management issues of developing digital resources from digitisation to 
delivery. Delegates will also receive 2 half day visits with expert talks and 
behind the scenes tours of The National Gallery and The British Library.

As the Academy enters its 9th year we invite you to join our experts of 
international renown in London, UK. Delegates from over 40 countries have 
experienced the benefits of the Digital Futures Academy. This is what they have 
               "Excellent - I would recommend DF to anyone anticipating a 
digitization program"
               "I was very pleased. The team was exceptionally knowledgeable, 
friendly and personable."
               "Thanks, it has been an invaluable experience."
               "A really useful course and great fun too!"

Digital Futures is led by Simon Tanner, Director of Digital Consultancy at 
King's College London and Tom Clareson, Lyrasis. They have over 20 years 
experience each and worked on over 500 digital projects across the world in 
delivering digital content or preserving culture. They will be supported by 
Alistair Dunning of The European Library and William Kilbride of the Digital 
Preservation Coalition.  Other experts at the National Gallery and The British 
Library will give talks during the tours.

Digital Futures  covers the following core areas:
               Planning and management
               Fund raising
               Understanding the audience
               Social media and its impact
               Metadata - introduction and implementation
               Copyright and intellectual property
               Sustainability, value and impact
               Financial issues
               Implementing digital resources
               Digital preservation
A certificate of attainment is offered to all Digital Futures Academy delegates 
on completion of the course.

If you are interested, please email me as soon as possible, spaces are limited.

Best regards,
Simon Tanner
Director of Digital Consultancy (KDCS)
Department of Digital Humanities
King's College London
26-29 Drury Lane
London WC2B 5RL

Email: simon.tanner at kcl.ac.uk
Web: www.kcl.ac.uk/ddh/<http://www.kcl.ac.uk/ddh/> and 
Twitter: @SimonTanner<http://twitter.com/#!/SimonTanner>
Phone: +44(0)7887-691716 (direct)   +44(0)20-7848-2861 (Dept Office)

Co-Director of MA in Digital Asset 
DDH research and teaching: my personal 

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