Try the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney.

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----- Original Message -----
From: Adam Carrier []
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 04:29 PM
To: Museum Computer Network Listserv <mcn-l at>
Subject: [MCN-L] Examples of successful spending on web initiatives

Hello all:

I've been trying to find some museum case studies or specific examples where
deliberate spending on web design and/or social media has resulted in
expanded audiences (e.g., larger number of followers/friends/contributors;
more hits and comments from abroad; more research/loan/reproduction
requests; etc.). I'm trying to draw some informed conclusions about how
intelligent spending on web initiatives can contribute to reaching more
people and retaining their interest.

I'm familiar with and looking forward to Culture24's final report on
evaluating online success. This was discussed at Museums and the Web 2011:

Does anyone have a specific example or read something where a cultural
institution expanded their audience using a web initiative?

Thanks for any insight you can provide,

*Adam Carrier*

*Digital Media Technician*

The Mariners? Museum

100 Museum Drive

Newport News, Virginia  23606

Phone (757) 952-0431

Fax (757) 591-7319

acarrier at

*America?s National Maritime Museum*

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