Presentation proposals are still being accepted for the Society of Imaging
Science and Technology (IS&T) Archiving Conference, which will be held June
12-15 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The fast-approaching deadline for submission of a 500 word abstract is
November 14. In addition to the general conference summary below, you can
find a more detailed PDF of the Call for Papers at

As a member of both MCN and the IS&T Conference Program Committee, I
encourage you to participate by sharing your cultural heritage imaging
research and related projects. I'm happy to answer any questions. Feel free
to contact me off-list if you prefer.
Thank you,

*Erik Landsberg
Head of Collections Imaging
Museum of Modern Art*
erik_landsberg at

The Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T) Archiving Conference
brings together a unique community of imaging novices and experts from
libraries, archives, records management, and information technology
institutions to discuss and explore the expanding field of digital
archiving and preservation. Attendees from around the world represent
industry, academia, governments, and cultural heritage institutions. The
conference presents the latest research results on archiving, provides a
forum to explore new strategies and policies, and reports on successful
projects that can serve as benchmarks in the field. Archiving 2012 is a
blend of invited focal papers, keynote talks, and refereed oral and
interactive display presentations. Prospective authors are invited to
submit oral and interactive presentations by the November 14th deadline.

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