Please add Mobeum by Open Museum to Nancy Proctor's list of mobile tour
services available to museums.

Mobeum, a web-based museum visitor mobile tour, is currently in alpha
testing at the Hood Museum of Art at Dartmouth and will become available to
any museum as of April 1, 2010.   Mobeum uses the same server and content
as Open Museum, an online network of participatory museums independently
curated by art and history museums, artists, artist collectives and
non-profit cultural organizations.  Both Mobeum and Open Museum are totally
free of cost to the curator and visitor (i.e. there are and will be no fees
of any kind to implement or use the mobile tour).

After much deliberation (and even development!), we decided against building
an iPhone app, because we wanted to optimize for visitor access and future
development. Mobeum, which fits seamlessly with Open Museum's desktop and
mobile browser views, works on a variety of smartphones (iPhone, Android,
Blackberry...) and devices (iPod Touch, iPad).  There are lots of good
reasons for and against the iPhone app, which Ted Forbes captures in this
excellent post here on why Dallas Art Museum decided to go web-based: <

When considering which mobile tour technology to use, I think it is
important to inquire about the business form and funding structure of the
service provider.  We decided to found Open Museum (and its services such as
Mobeum) as a not-for-profit venture.  The service is provided by the 501c3
non-profit Heritance and the code is owned and developed by Zirgoflex L3c, a
Vermont social venture with low-profit designated aims.  (L3c is a new
hybrid business form adopted only in a few states.) Open Museum which is
committed to remaining not-for-profit and free, raises its funding through
grants, foundation partnerships, donations, and for-fee consulting and other
services at non-profit rate.

Echoing Nancy, any museum considering going mobile, needs to examine the
hidden costs of creating their mobile (and any online!) content. It has been
our experience that the primary barrier a museums faces is finding the time
to plan, select, speak, write, edit... the content they hope to share with
the public.  In a blog post, "Mobeum, the Content Creation Iceberg", I
recount our experiences working with the Hood to create their Mobeum
content: <>.

If you'd like more info, we'll be talking about this experience at Museums
in the Web and have a written a paper we'd be happy to share.  I'm also
happy to chat on or off line.

Maureen Doyle
Heritance, Executive Director
Open Museum
P.O. Box 1564
Norwich, Vermont 05055 USA
maureen at

Connect with people, objects and museums at

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