You should really also check out Minisis

Chuck Patch

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 2:32 PM, Jeanne Kessler
<jeanne.kessler at> wrote:
> We are currently investigating acquiring a new Collections Management System 
> for our institution.
> We have narrowed down our favorites to: TMS, Vernon, KE Emu, and Willoughby.
> There are pros and cons to all systems, but all look pretty good.
> Vernon is based in New Zealand, and I am wondering if there are any North 
> American institutions that use Vernon and would be willing to share their 
> experiences regarding the tool and associated support from the company.
> Thanks.
> Jeanne Kessler
> Jeanne Kessler
> IT Project Manager
> The National WWII Museum
> 945 Magazine Street
> New Orleans, LA 70130
> Phone: 504/528-1944, ext. 228
> Cell: 504/723-0765
> Fax: 504/527-6088
> Jeanne.Kessler at<>
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Chuck Patch
Museum Information Management Consulting
403 Edgevale Rd
Baltimore MD 21210

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