Hello, MCN-L Subscribers:

MCN's annual membership drive is under way, as those among us who are 
already Museum Computer Network members know from June renewal emails.

If you're not yet a member and you find MCN-L to be a useful resource, I'd 
encourage you to strengthen your connection to MCN by joining. The benefits 
of doing so include discounts for our upcoming conference in Portland, the 
ability to join MCN Special Interest Groups (SIGs), access to the 
members-only section of the website and the MCN Networking Directory, voting 
privileges in annual elections, and...the knowledge that you are a key part 
of MCN!

Please visit <http://www.mcn.edu/join> and become a member today.

If you're a student or have worked in the museum field for no more than 
three years, our special Emerging Professionals rate gives you a more than 
50% discount relative to our already modest membership fees.

In any case, I hope that each of you continues to find MCN-L to be a good 
source of information relevant to your own professional life, and that you 
know you're always most welcome to join us as an MCN member.

Rob Lancefield, President
Museum Computer Network (MCN), <http://www.mcn.edu>
The membership organization for museum information professionals 

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