>From the It's About Time Department:

(Thanks to Peter Brantley)


"Given the fact that copyright has become an unlikely new rallying
point for the digital culture wars, you might think that the
Copyright Office itself would be the sort of place that's been
accepting online submissions for years. You'd be wrong, though.

"The Copyright Office uses the web solely to offer its federal
forms, which users can then download, print out, fill out in
ballpoint pen, and mail to the government with a hardcopy of the
work to be registered and something known as a "check" for

"But no more. This week the Copyright Office finally embraces the
single most obvious application of the Web: freeing people from
filling out paper forms.

"550,000 registrations a year pass through the Copyright Office, so
it's in both the government's and the taxpayers' interest to make
the system efficient enough to process those applications in a
timely manner. On Tuesday, the Copyright Office will throw the
switch on a system called, creatively, the "electronic Copyright
Office," or eCO. The system has been in beta for months, and it
allows creators to submit copyright registrations and even some
actual works directly through the tubes.

"The benefits include ten dollars off the normal filing fee ($35
instead of $45), faster processing time, credit card payments,
and online status tracking. Certain works (mostly unpublished and
electronic-only pieces) can even be uploaded directly to the
Copyright Office; everything else, including hull vessel designs
(!), still require a mailed hardcopy for deposit in the Library
of Congress, but the application form and payment can be completed
online. "

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