
We use a barcoding system here at Carnegie Museum of Art. The barcoding
software is a third-party application developed for use with our
collections management system (KE Emu). It functions over our wireless
network and is used primarily for updating object locations, though it
can also be configured for on-site data-entry and/or object accessioning
projects. At present not all of the collection has been barcoded so the
system is not used consistently. We have found that the biggest
challenges, besides finding the time to complete the barcoding of the
entire collection, are deciding how to approach barcoding for multi-part
objects (whether at the item or part level) and how to keep track of the
physical bar code tags of three-dimensional objects as they come on and
off view. While we agree with others who have said that the barcoding
system increases accuracy, there is always going to be an element of
human or procedure error that no technology that I am aware of can quite

Another source to investigate: a several years ago someone, I think an
MCN member on this list, did a survey and posted specific information on
museum barcoding on a website. I don't have the link and don't know if
the site is even live anymore. Does this ring a bell to anyone else?

Will Real
Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh

-----Original Message-----
From: mcn-l-bounces at [] On Behalf Of
Annamaria Poma-Swank
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 7:35 AM
To: mcn-l at
Subject: [MCN-L] Bar coding museums objects

Dear all,
I would like to know :
1. how many museums are using the
barcoding objects inventory system
2. if the CMS they use support the system 3. A feedback on the use of
this tool Annamaria Poma Swank Rinascimento Digitale project consultant
pomaswank at
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