Perhaps of interest to some on MCN-L:

-------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [MIX] Draft Version of MIX 2.0 for review
> Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 15:45:05 -0500
> From: Morgan V. Cundiff <mcundiff@[...]>
> Reply-To: NISO Metadata for Images in XML (MIX) <MIX@[...]>
> To: MIX@[...]
> A Draft version of the MIX Schema (Version 2.0) is now available for
> review and testing at:
> Version 2.0 is not backwards compatible with Version 1.0. A list of the
> changes is provided in the comments at the top of the schema document
> under "Change History Version 1.0 to Version 2.0". Also note that there
> are now additional discrepancies between the MIX schema and the NISO Data
> Dictionary. An effort is underway to better synchronize the Data
> Dictionary and MIX 2.0. 
> A special thanks to Steve Abrams of Harvard University Libraries for
> providing the thorough review of MIX 1.1 that resulted in many of the
> changes that appear in MIX 2.0.
> Please feel free to send any comments to the MIX listserv (MIX@[...]) or
> directly to me (mcundiff@[...]).
> Morgan Cundiff
> Network Development and MARC Standards Office
> Library of Congress

Rob Lancefield (rlancefield [at]
Manager of Museum Information Services / Registrar of Collections
Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University
301 High Street, Middletown CT 06459-0487 USA
Vice President / President-Elect, Museum Computer Network (MCN)

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