On 10/17/06 10:23 PM, "Chuck Patch" <chuck.patch at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 10/17/06, Tom A. <tarnautovic at speakeasy.net> wrote:
>> Storage media (hdd) is getting cheaper and larger. I really do not
>> see the need
>> for a new compression algorithm these days. Especially from MS.
> I find this argument (which I have been hearing for years now) to be
> fairly specious. The fact is that while storage may be cheaper digital
> images are much bigger than they used to be and there are lots more of
> them. Nor has bandwidth speeded up in proportion to the bulking up of
> image sizes. And as for storage getting so much cheaper: having put
> down 70K dollars this year for a 3.2 TB EMC system and facing ongoing
> maintenance fees in the thousands per year, plus management software
> for the drives, etc., I'm not so sure that disk has gotten all that
> much cheaper, at least if you're talking about secure, robust storage.

I don't think this new format will have a noticeable impact on storage in
professional applications, since it's designed to replace jpg and jpg2000,
not TIFF and the raw camera formats (which are 80-99% of the storage
problem, and closer to the high end of that for professional situations).
It's more about squeezing a few more pics onto your 2GB SD card with that 10
Megapixel Prosumer-level digicam.

If Vista's built-in apps like to default to the new format, it's safe to say
that it will get popular on a consumer level whether it's a good idea or
not. But it's not likely to penetrate the professional market for a long

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