Dear Perian,

There is an extensive bibliography that may well help you in the full report:

Tanner, S. (2012) Measuring the Impact of Digital Resources: The Balanced Value 
Impact Model. King's College London, October 2012. Available at:

All my best,
Simon Tanner
Director of Digital Consultancy (KDCS)
Deputy Head, Department of Digital Humanities
King's College London
26-29 Drury Lane
London WC2B 5RL

Email: simon.tanner at
Twitter: @SimonTanner

-----Original Message-----
From: mcn-l-bounces at [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: 24 April 2013 04:29
To: Museum Computer Network Listserv
Subject: [MCN-L] Study on impact on interpretative staff by collections online 

Hi everyone:

For about 8 years now, I've had a bit of an agenda to see if we can move past 
relatively passive online catalogs and into enriching interpretive materials 
about the collections. I've been thinking a lot lately about possible methods 
for this, now that so many of us have our collections online, either on our 
websites or through social media. In my mind, there are four populations that 
have a hand in providing interpretive materials about individual collection 

Museum educators
External experts (researchers, teachers) General public (especially people with 
personal stories)

The first two generally have the task of responding to the latter two. 
I'm particularly interested to know if, by putting our collections out there, 
how much of an increase in research requests museums have received, and how 
that impacts the staff. Does this affect further online interpretation efforts?

So I wanted to query the lazywebs and punt it out to you all to see if you're 
familiar with any studies around this topic. The only two I've found thus far 
(admittedly, just a surface search) is Erika Dicker's MW
2010 paper, "The Impact of Blogs and Other Social Media on the Life of a 
Curator" and Nancy Proctor's "The Google Art Project: A New Generation of 
Museums on the Web?"


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