Interested in volunteering at MCN2013 in Montreal?  We are looking for
15-20 volunteers to work shifts starting on Tuesday, November 19th through
Saturday, November 23rd. Shifts are 4-8 hours, and in exchange for each
shift the volunteer gets one day of conference attendance. Volunteers can
also attend more than one day of the conference for free if they serve
multiple shifts.  It is a great opportunity for students and emerging
professionals to attend the conference!

For more information and to apply please visit this website:

All applications must be received by 5pm PT on September 30th.

Any questions can be directed to ebollwerk at

Many thanks,
Elizabeth Bollwerk

Elizabeth Bollwerk
Museum of Culture and Environment
Central Washington University
Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture

?Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.?
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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