We are a small museum and this area has grown out of the Technology and Digital 
Media Department which has a staff of 10 people and comprises a Technology 
Division, a Web and Digital Media Division and a brand new Media Production 

For a few years we have produced short exhibitions and permanent collections 
related videos with one full-time videographer and one part-time AV tech/Audio 
Engineer. They are often helped by the photographer who is part of the 
Curatorial Department.

Now I am officially creating a Media Production Division which reports to me 
and will have two full-time staff, an AV Technician/Audio Engineer and a 
Videographer/Media Producer and they will handle all AV production, including 
live streaming of lectures as well as podcasts and exhibitions as well as 
permanent collections related video production. We maintain tight quality 
control over these productions.

Recently our Education Department began filming videos of some of the short 
gallery talks given regularly by education interns. These are done 
independently of the Technology Department by a part-time person in the 
Education Department and are showcased in the Student Programs area of our Web 
We have no formal involvement with production of these videos, but they do go 
past the Web team who keep eyes on quality and consistency and make 
suggestions, if needed.

In regards to the archived lectures and exhibitions as well as permanent 
collections related video production, we save both raw and edited footage and 
have a large storage area network. Our IT Manager and Network Admin handle 
storage issues but I realize that we need to work out a long term plan as this 
area grows.

We use Vimeo, YouTube and Art Babble and ForaTV to make video accessible via 
links (embeds) from our Web site.

This is all developing for us and I'll fine tune as we grow.

Floyd Thomas Sweeting III
Head, Technology &? Digital Media

1 East 70th Street
New York, NY?? 10021

(212) 547-6889 tel 
(212) 547-0708 fax

-----Original Message-----
From: mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu [mailto:mcn-l-boun...@mcn.edu] On Behalf Of Eric 
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 10:10 AM
Subject: [MCN-L] A message from Travis Fullerton of the Virginia Museum of Fine 

Hi everybody, I wanted to conduct a quick survey of video production services 
in museums and try to understand how they are managed, and by whom.

There is an increasing need for video content at our museum, especially for 
social media, but also for education and mobile development. We try hard to 
maintain a level of quality in our still imaging and I want to maintain a level 
of quality control as the video content grows. Currently video content it is 
being generated in various departments by contractors, interns, or volunteers - 
and it is all over the place. I would like to get a sense of how others manage 
multimedia production at your institutions. I know there is a Media Production 
SIG, so I am particularly keen to hear from those folks.

Is video production a unique department? If not, where does it fall?

Do you have dedicated staff for video production? Who? How many?

How is the finished content stored? DAMs? Hard copy? Do you save edited 
projects only or all raw footage as well? Who manages the storage?

Just curious how others are handling this. Thanks!

Travis Fullerton
Chief Photographer, Manager of Imaging Resources Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
200 N Boulevard, Richmond, VA 23220

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