Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 10:49:14 -0800
From: "Diane M. Zorich" <>
Subject: MCN Call for Nominations

1997 Election for the Board of Directors
Notice of Annual Meeting and Call for Nominations

In accordance with the bylaws of the Museum Computer Network, this
notice constitutes the official announcement of the annual meeting of the
membership.  The membership meeting is scheduled for October 17, 1997 at
11:30AM during the MCN annual conference, to be held at the Hyatt Regency Union
Station, St Louis, MO.

In accordance with the bylaws, this notice also constitutes a call to the
membership for nominees to be placed on the ballot for election of
officers.  The 1997 elections to the Board of Directors and
President-elect will be conducted by mail ballot in early September and
the results announced at the annual meeting in St. Louis.

Nominations for Election to the Board of Directors

The Nominating Committee is seeking candidates to fill three vacancies on
the Board of Directors this year.  Board members serve a three year
term with the possibility of re-election for a second three year term.
Board members are asked to serve on the Board as individuals in their
professional capacity, not as representatives of any organization.  Board
members are required to attend two meetings during the year, one in
conjunction with the annual conference and a second usually held in the
Spring.  The MCN Board of Directors is a working board; members are
expected to serve on committees of the Board and to be active
participants in the work of the organization.

Outgoing board members are:  Bob Leming (who is resigning one year prior to
the expiration of his term,) Suzanne Quigley, and Diane Zorich.

Board members continuing to serve are:

Class of 1998:  Guy Hermann, Susan Patterson, Christine Steiner, Susanne

Class of 1999: David Bridge, Robin Dowden, Leslie Johnston, Ric Rinehart,
Greg Spurgeon

Nominations for President-elect

The Nominating Committee is also seeking nominations from the
membership for the position of President-elect.  The President-elect will
serve for two years, one year as President-elect, and one year as
President.  Nominees do not have to be current Board members, or be
elected to Board service beyond the two years required to serve as
President-elect and President.  The President-elect and President are
Board members by virtue of their election to office.

Nominees for both elections must have the written endorsement of three
(3) current members of the organization.  To place a name on the election
ballot, mail, fax or email the endorsements and a brief biographical sketch
and statement of goals for the organization to:

Museum Computer Network
8720 Georgia Avenue, Suite 501
Silver Spring, MD  USA 20910
(attn:  Michele Devine)

phone: 301/585-4413
fax:   301/495-0810

The deadline for receipt of nominations is Friday, August 1, 1997.

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