Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 17:21:20 -0500
From: Guy Hermann <>
Subject: Re: IBM versus Macintosh

>Question:  How many of you out there are currently investing in Macintosh
>technology?  Are you predominently purchasing Wintel machines?  Is there
>any trends in the Museum world to standardize on one platform?  Any light
>you could shed on this subject would be most helpful

No other replies?  We are still buying a lot of Mac hardware, although we
recently bought our first W95 system a few weeks ago for an application
which requires it.

The big question seems to be, are Macs a bad investment now with "everyone
using windows."  We don't think they are any more of a bad investment than
any computer is.  Whatever we buy will be obsolete in three years anyway
(computers are really an office supply at this point).  Since our
technology focus is on the Internet, we find Macs to be quite capable, and
very easy to manage, Internet clients.

The "standardization" we are concentrating on is with our data and digital
information.  This is the long term investment we are making.

In terms of computing platforms, we think more in terms of consistency than
"standards."  And we don't have the money to go out and replace al of our
computers in any case.  By the time we managed to migrate to a new
"standard," something else would have come along and it would be time to
change again.

So we are sticking with Macs and hoping that the platform-independent world
of Java comes to pass.  But even if it doesn't, we're pretty sure that we
and 25 million other folks will still be word-processing, e-mailing, and
surfing the net with ou Macs 5 years from now.

>Sandy Moore
>Network Administrator
>The Toledo Museum of Art

     Guy S. Hermann  **  **  860-572-5392
                  The Museum of America and the Sea

               "Community precedes commerce." John Hagel

               "The network is the network." Eric Schmidt

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