Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 21:09:21 -0400
From: (Richard Rinehart)
Subject: article on digital imaging

I thought you all might be interested in a recent article in the Chron of
Higher Education. It's one facet of the academic community's reaction to
projects like AMICO and MDLC among other current issues in digital imaging
and legislation. Below is the citation I wrote for an e-journal I cite for
off and on FYI.


Failing, Patricia. "Scholars Face Hefty Fees and Elaborate Contracts When
They Use Digital Images" <> The Chronicle of Higher
Education XLIV (38): B4-5. -- This article takes a look at the area of
image licensing in the digital era. Focussing on museums and other "owners"
of digital images, image re-licensors (such as Corbis), and image users
such as scholars and teachers, this article makes the case for fair use in
education while attempting to provide an overview of the current state of
affairs. The article oversimplifies some aspects, such as casting museums
as "owners" and scholars & universities as "users" - in actuality each can
play either role. Still, the article's basic messages; that this is an
important area to attend to, that the education community as a whole
(including museums, universities, and scholars) need to seriously evaluate
our educational vs. profit goals when we digitize images, and that scholars
need to heed government activity as much as commercial; are all points

Richard Rinehart
Information Systems Manager & Education Technology Specialist
Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive
@ University of California
& President-Elect, Museum Computer Network,

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