>I have just joined the mailing list as well as Just started as systems
>Administrator for the Kimbell Art Museum.  I hope this can be a usefull
>tool in learning how other museums are using their network as well as the
>internet. I am also hoping to learn what systems are being used for a
>veriety of application from accounting to memebership.
>Mike Warren

Welcome Mike!

This email list (and the MCN conference - see www.mcn.edu) are both good
tools for learning and sharing experience; that's how I became involved in
MCN. I look forward to talking with you. It's self-initiated so if you have
some questions, any questions, just post them!

Richard Rinehart
Information Systems Manager & Education Technology Specialist
Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive
@ University of California
& President, Museum Computer Network, http://www.mcn.edu/

  • Re: Hi Richard Rinehart

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