here is an update to the Museum Technology Benchmarks I emailed around before. I have taken the advice of several people and added a section on policies--which I am not quite sure hits the mark quite right. I also made a new section called "Technology Use -- Program Areas" to help distinguish the unique needs of those areas. I also updated the copyright notice. Further comments are most welcome.


Museum Technology Benchmarks

The following outline is intended both as a tool for reflection and as a starting inventory for developing your technology plan. The document is based on National Strategy for Nonprofit Technology's (NSNT) Technology Literacy Benchmarks for Nonprofit Organizations and has been adapted for museums by E. Verner Johnson and Associates.

These benchmarks represent current standards for appropriate, efficient and sustainable technology use in museums. Collectively these benchmarks provide an example of how technologically literate museums integrate technology into their work.

1. Strategic Technology Planning
1. Museum has 2 to 3 year technology plan that is integrated into the overall strategic plan and mission of the museum and is approved by the board. 2. Museum involves individuals with both technology and program expertise in the technology planning process. 3. Museum has a mechanism through which it keeps current on "best practices" use of technology in museums and incorporates this knowledge into the technology planning process. 4. Museum has an adequate budget to implement its technology plan or a funding strategy to secure needed funding. 5. Museum understands and plans for organizational change implications of technology. 6. Museum has a primary individual or working group accountable and responsible for implementing the technology plan.

2. Technology Use - Staff Level
1. All staff have access to appropriate automated, personal productivity tools needed to efficiently do their jobs. 2. All staff use compatible automated software tools, enabling sharing of files and documents. The tools are kept current (within 3 years). 3. Staff who require access to online resources have the software and hardware needed to connect to these resources. 4. Staff receives appropriate technology training that allows them to use personal productivity tools efficiently.
5. Staff job descriptions define technology use requirements.

3. Technology Use - Organizational Systems
1. Museum has automated accounting and financial systems that are adequate to meet current and long-term organizational needs or it uses an outside automated system. 2. A Museum with sufficient visitation has an automated ticketing and reservations system and automated Point-of-Sale and inventory control for the museum shop. 3. Museum uses a database or appropriate software to keep track of individual or groups of people (such as members, donors, volunteers, program participants, staff, etc.) and their relationships to the museum. 4. Museum's databases can be used to create mass mailings via both traditional mail merge and using Internet e-mail. 5. Museum's systems can electronically exchange common information when needed and do not require manually duplicated effort. 6. Museum has adequate technical support and documentation for its automated systems. 7. Appropriate Museum staff are trained in how to operate Museum's automated business systems. 8. Museum has a written policies for staff use of computer systems, email, and Internet services and for use of licensed products.

4. Technology Use - Program Areas
1. Museum has an automated catalog of its collections and/or library that is accessible to all staff and, with appropriate security, to the public. The catalog or another related system provides for the management of digital image files and/or other digital assets. 2. If appropriate, Museum provides lesson plans, visit guides, and other resources for teachers on its web site. 3. Museum uses appropriate new technology to enhance the visitor experience in exhibition areas. 4. Museum has begun to consider how information systems within program areas interrelate and how that affects both the information and the museum's working structures.

5. Technology Use - Internal Networks and Communication
1. Museums with more than five staff have the ability to electronically share information and computer resources among themselves in an efficient way.
2. Museums with more than 10 staff in one location have a local area network.
3. Museum has mechanism in place to prevent data loss.
4. Museums with a computer network have a mechanism in place to ensure data security.
5. Museum uses virus protection software to protect again viruses.
6. Museums with more than five staff have individual email accounts.
7. Museum has an electronic archive policy and archives critical electronic documents appropriately.

6. Technology Use - External Communications
1. The museum has the capacity to access the Web, use Internet e-mail and subscribe to lists from the office. 2. The museum maintains a Web site that is part of its overall communication strategy and is regularly updated. 3. If appropriate, the museum makes use of e-commerce via the Web for unearned and earned income. 4. The museum collects and tracks e-mail address of its audiences, members, donors, funders, etc. in the same way it tracks other contact information.

7. Technology Sustainability
1. The museum has adequate, ongoing technical support, hardware/software consultants, and staff training opportunities.
2. The museum keeps an inventory of all computer hardware/software equipment.
3. The museum budgets for technology and associated staff training as a regular part of its annual budgeting process.
4. The museum budgets for technology upgrades every 2-3 years.
5. The museum integrates technology needs in funding proposals.

Copyright © 2000 E. Verner Johnson and Associates, Inc. and the National Strategy for Nonprofit Technology. Please feel free to distribute and revise for internal museum purposes.

Guy Hermann
Mystic, Connecticut
Home: 860-536-2994
Office: 617-437-6262
Cell phone: 617-821-3255 (leave voice mail)

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