
I'm consulting with a small historical society in western Pennsylvania that
has a wonderful archive of local history documents of national interest.
They want to digitize the collection, but would like to subsidize the
project in part by charging an access fee for users. They are considering
both a subscription service via the internet, and the sale of CDs. Does
anyone know of any non-profit, historical organizations holding archival
collections that "market" them to contribute to earned income? My client
would like to contact some institutions that already have such programs in

Please reply directly to me at: twee...@interpretivesolutions.com.

Thanks very much for your assistance.


Ann Tweedie, Ph.D.
Exhibit Developer
Interpretive Solutions
444 Bedford Road, Suite 201
Pleasantville, NY 10570
Phone: 914/747-1230
Fax: 914/747-5026

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